Title: | Introduction to Probability, Statistics and R for Data-Based Sciences |
Description: | Contains data sets, programmes and illustrations discussed in the book, "Introduction to Probability, Statistics and R: Foundations for Data-Based Sciences." Sahu (2024, isbn:9783031378645) describes the methods in detail. |
Authors: | Sujit K. Sahu [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Sujit K. Sahu <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.0.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-04 04:56:00 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/sujit-sahu/ipsrdbs |
Age and value of 50 beanie baby toys
A data frame with 50 rows and 3 columns:
Name of the toy
Age of the toy in months
Market value of the toy in US dollars
Beanie world magazine
head(beanie) summary(beanie) plot(beanie$age, beanie$value, xlab="Age", ylab="Value", pch="*", col="red")
head(beanie) summary(beanie) plot(beanie$age, beanie$value, xlab="Age", ylab="Value", pch="*", col="red")
Wealth, age and region of 225 billionaires in 1992 as reported in the Fortune magazine
A data frame with 225 rows and three columns:
Wealth in billions of US dollars
Age of the billionaire
five regions:Asia, Europe, Middle East, United States, and Other
Fortune magazine 1992.
head(bill) summary(bill) table(bill$region) levels(bill$region) levels(bill$region) <- c("Asia", "Europe", "Mid-East", "Other", "USA") bill.wealth.ge5 <- bill[bill$wealth>5, ] bill.wealth.ge5 bill.region.A <- bill[ bill$region == "A", ] bill.region.A a <- seq(1, 10, by =2) oddrows <- bill[a, ] barplot(table(bill$region), col=2:6) hist(bill$wealth) # produces a dull looking plot hist(bill$wealth, nclass=20) # produces a more detailed plot. hist(bill$wealth, nclass=20, xlab="Wealth", main="Histogram of wealth of billionaires") # produces a more informative plot. plot(bill$age, bill$wealth) # A very dull plot. plot(bill$age, bill$wealth, xlab="Age", ylab="Wealth", pch="*") # better plot(bill$age, bill$wealth, xlab="Age", ylab="Wealth", type="n") # Lays the plot area but does not plot. text(bill$age, bill$wealth, labels=bill$region, cex=0.7, col=2:6) # Adds the points to the empty plot. # Provides a better looking plot with more information. boxplot(data=bill, wealth ~ region, col=2:6) tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=mean) tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=sd) round(tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=mean), 2) library(ggplot2) gg <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=bill, aes(x=age, y=wealth)) + geom_point(aes(col=region, size=wealth)) + geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE) + xlim(c(7, 102)) + ylim(c(1, 37)) + labs(subtitle="Wealth vs Age of Billionaires", y="Wealth (Billion US $)", x="Age", title="Scatterplot", caption = "Source: Fortune Magazine, 1992.") plot(gg)
head(bill) summary(bill) table(bill$region) levels(bill$region) levels(bill$region) <- c("Asia", "Europe", "Mid-East", "Other", "USA") bill.wealth.ge5 <- bill[bill$wealth>5, ] bill.wealth.ge5 bill.region.A <- bill[ bill$region == "A", ] bill.region.A a <- seq(1, 10, by =2) oddrows <- bill[a, ] barplot(table(bill$region), col=2:6) hist(bill$wealth) # produces a dull looking plot hist(bill$wealth, nclass=20) # produces a more detailed plot. hist(bill$wealth, nclass=20, xlab="Wealth", main="Histogram of wealth of billionaires") # produces a more informative plot. plot(bill$age, bill$wealth) # A very dull plot. plot(bill$age, bill$wealth, xlab="Age", ylab="Wealth", pch="*") # better plot(bill$age, bill$wealth, xlab="Age", ylab="Wealth", type="n") # Lays the plot area but does not plot. text(bill$age, bill$wealth, labels=bill$region, cex=0.7, col=2:6) # Adds the points to the empty plot. # Provides a better looking plot with more information. boxplot(data=bill, wealth ~ region, col=2:6) tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=mean) tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=sd) round(tapply(X=bill$wealth, INDEX=bill$region, FUN=mean), 2) library(ggplot2) gg <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=bill, aes(x=age, y=wealth)) + geom_point(aes(col=region, size=wealth)) + geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE) + xlim(c(7, 102)) + ylim(c(1, 37)) + labs(subtitle="Wealth vs Age of Billionaires", y="Wealth (Billion US $)", x="Age", title="Scatterplot", caption = "Source: Fortune Magazine, 1992.") plot(gg)
Body fat percentage data for 102 elite male athletes training at the Australian Institute of Sport.
A data frame with 102 rows and two columns:
Skin-fold thicknesses measured using calipers
Percentage of fat content in the body
Data collected by Dr R. Telford who was working for the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
summary(bodyfat) plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat") plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # draws four plots in a graph plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat") plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(1:5, 1:5, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", type="n") text(2, 2, "Log both X and Y") text(2, 1, "To have the best plot") # Keep the transformed variables in the data set bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold) bodyfat$logbfat <- log(bodyfat$Bodyfat) bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold) par(old.par) # Create a grouped variable bodyfat$cutskin <- cut(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), breaks=6) boxplot(data=bodyfat, Bodyfat~cutskin, col=2:7) head(bodyfat) require(ggplot2) p2 <- ggplot(data=bodyfat, aes(x=cutskin, y=logbfat)) + geom_boxplot(col=2:7) + stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line", aes(group=1), col="blue", linewidth=1) + labs(x="Skinfold", y="Percentage of log bodyfat", title="Boxplot of log-bodyfat percentage vs grouped log-skinfold") plot(p2) n <- nrow(bodyfat) x <- bodyfat$logskin y <- bodyfat$logbfat xbar <- mean(x) ybar <- mean(y) sx2 <- var(x) sy2 <- var(y) sxy <- cov(x, y) r <- cor(x, y) print(list(n=n, xbar=xbar, ybar=ybar, sx2=sx2, sy2=sy2, sxy=sxy, r=r)) hatbeta1 <- r * sqrt(sy2/sx2) # calculates estimate of the slope hatbeta0 <- ybar - hatbeta1 * xbar # calculates estimate of the intercept rs <- y - hatbeta0 - hatbeta1 * x # calculates residuals s2 <- sum(rs^2)/(n-2) # calculates estimate of sigma2 s2 bfat.lm <- lm(logbfat ~ logskin, data=bodyfat) ### Check the diagnostics plot(bfat.lm$fit, bfat.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) ### Should be a random scatter qqnorm(bfat.lm$res, col=2) qqline(bfat.lm$res, col="blue") # All Points should be on the straight line summary(bfat.lm) anova(bfat.lm) plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") abline(bfat.lm, col=7) title("Scatter plot with the fitted Linear Regression line") # 95% CI for beta(1) # 0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479 # round(0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479, 2) # To test H0: beta1 = 1. tstat <- (0.88225 -1)/0.02479 pval <- 2 * (1- pt(abs(tstat), df=100)) x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=500) y <- dt(x, df=100) plot(x, y, xlab="", ylab="", type="l") title("T-density with df=100") abline(v=abs(tstat)) abline(h=0) x1 <- seq(from=abs(tstat), to=10, length=100) y1 <- rep(0, length=100) x2 <- x1 y2 <- dt(x1, df=100) segments(x1, y1, x2, y2) abline(h=0) # Predict at a new value of Skinfold=70 # Create a new data set called new newx <- data.frame(logskin=log(70)) a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, se.fit=TRUE) # Confidence interval for the mean of log bodyfat at skinfold=70 a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="confidence") # a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 2.498339 2.474198 2.52248 # Prediction interval for a future log bodyfat at skinfold=70 a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="prediction") a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 2.498339 2.333783 2.662895 #prediction intervals for the mean pred.bfat.clim <- predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="confidence") #prediction intervals for future observation pred.bfat.plim <- suppressWarnings(predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="prediction")) plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") abline(bfat.lm, col=5) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,2], lty=2, col=2) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,3], lty=2, col=2) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,2], lty=4, col=3) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,3], lty=4, col=3) title("Scatter plot with the fitted line and prediction intervals") symb <- c("Fitted line", "95% CI for mean", "95% CI for observation") ## legend(locator(1), legend = symb, lty = c(1, 2, 4), col = c(5, 2, 3)) # Shows where we predicted earlier abline(v=log(70)) summary(bfat.lm) anova(bfat.lm)
summary(bodyfat) plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat") plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # draws four plots in a graph plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, bodyfat$Bodyfat, xlab="Skin", ylab="Fat") plot(bodyfat$Skinfold, log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), log(bodyfat$Bodyfat), xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") plot(1:5, 1:5, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", type="n") text(2, 2, "Log both X and Y") text(2, 1, "To have the best plot") # Keep the transformed variables in the data set bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold) bodyfat$logbfat <- log(bodyfat$Bodyfat) bodyfat$logskin <- log(bodyfat$Skinfold) par(old.par) # Create a grouped variable bodyfat$cutskin <- cut(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), breaks=6) boxplot(data=bodyfat, Bodyfat~cutskin, col=2:7) head(bodyfat) require(ggplot2) p2 <- ggplot(data=bodyfat, aes(x=cutskin, y=logbfat)) + geom_boxplot(col=2:7) + stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line", aes(group=1), col="blue", linewidth=1) + labs(x="Skinfold", y="Percentage of log bodyfat", title="Boxplot of log-bodyfat percentage vs grouped log-skinfold") plot(p2) n <- nrow(bodyfat) x <- bodyfat$logskin y <- bodyfat$logbfat xbar <- mean(x) ybar <- mean(y) sx2 <- var(x) sy2 <- var(y) sxy <- cov(x, y) r <- cor(x, y) print(list(n=n, xbar=xbar, ybar=ybar, sx2=sx2, sy2=sy2, sxy=sxy, r=r)) hatbeta1 <- r * sqrt(sy2/sx2) # calculates estimate of the slope hatbeta0 <- ybar - hatbeta1 * xbar # calculates estimate of the intercept rs <- y - hatbeta0 - hatbeta1 * x # calculates residuals s2 <- sum(rs^2)/(n-2) # calculates estimate of sigma2 s2 bfat.lm <- lm(logbfat ~ logskin, data=bodyfat) ### Check the diagnostics plot(bfat.lm$fit, bfat.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) ### Should be a random scatter qqnorm(bfat.lm$res, col=2) qqline(bfat.lm$res, col="blue") # All Points should be on the straight line summary(bfat.lm) anova(bfat.lm) plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") abline(bfat.lm, col=7) title("Scatter plot with the fitted Linear Regression line") # 95% CI for beta(1) # 0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479 # round(0.88225 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=100) * 0.02479, 2) # To test H0: beta1 = 1. tstat <- (0.88225 -1)/0.02479 pval <- 2 * (1- pt(abs(tstat), df=100)) x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, length=500) y <- dt(x, df=100) plot(x, y, xlab="", ylab="", type="l") title("T-density with df=100") abline(v=abs(tstat)) abline(h=0) x1 <- seq(from=abs(tstat), to=10, length=100) y1 <- rep(0, length=100) x2 <- x1 y2 <- dt(x1, df=100) segments(x1, y1, x2, y2) abline(h=0) # Predict at a new value of Skinfold=70 # Create a new data set called new newx <- data.frame(logskin=log(70)) a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, se.fit=TRUE) # Confidence interval for the mean of log bodyfat at skinfold=70 a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="confidence") # a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 2.498339 2.474198 2.52248 # Prediction interval for a future log bodyfat at skinfold=70 a <- predict(bfat.lm, newdata=newx, interval="prediction") a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 2.498339 2.333783 2.662895 #prediction intervals for the mean pred.bfat.clim <- predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="confidence") #prediction intervals for future observation pred.bfat.plim <- suppressWarnings(predict(bfat.lm, data=bodyfat, interval="prediction")) plot(bodyfat$logskin, bodyfat$logbfat, xlab="log Skin", ylab="log Fat") abline(bfat.lm, col=5) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,2], lty=2, col=2) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.clim[,3], lty=2, col=2) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,2], lty=4, col=3) lines(log(bodyfat$Skinfold), pred.bfat.plim[,3], lty=4, col=3) title("Scatter plot with the fitted line and prediction intervals") symb <- c("Fitted line", "95% CI for mean", "95% CI for observation") ## legend(locator(1), legend = symb, lty = c(1, 2, 4), col = c(5, 2, 3)) # Shows where we predicted earlier abline(v=log(70)) summary(bfat.lm) anova(bfat.lm)
Number of bomb hits in London during World War II
A data frame with two columns and six rows:
The number of bomb hits during World War II in each of the 576 areas in London.
Frequency of the number of hits
Shaw and Shaw (2019).
summary(bombhits) # Create a vector of data x <- c(rep(0, 229), rep(1, 211), rep(2, 93), rep(3, 35), rep(4, 7), 5) y <- c(229, 211, 93, 35, 7, 1) # Frequencies rel_freq <- y/576 xbar <- mean(x) pois_prob <- dpois(x=0:5, lambda=xbar) fit_freq <- pois_prob * 576 #Check cbind(x=0:5, obs_freq=y, rel_freq =round(rel_freq, 4), Poisson_prob=round(pois_prob, 4), fit_freq=round(fit_freq, 1)) obs_freq <- y xuniques <- 0:5 a <- data.frame(xuniques=0:5, obs_freq =y, fit_freq=fit_freq) barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq), args.legend = list(x = "topright"), xlab="No of bomb hits", names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE, col=c("darkblue","red"), legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"), main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies for the number of bomb hits in London")
summary(bombhits) # Create a vector of data x <- c(rep(0, 229), rep(1, 211), rep(2, 93), rep(3, 35), rep(4, 7), 5) y <- c(229, 211, 93, 35, 7, 1) # Frequencies rel_freq <- y/576 xbar <- mean(x) pois_prob <- dpois(x=0:5, lambda=xbar) fit_freq <- pois_prob * 576 #Check cbind(x=0:5, obs_freq=y, rel_freq =round(rel_freq, 4), Poisson_prob=round(pois_prob, 4), fit_freq=round(fit_freq, 1)) obs_freq <- y xuniques <- 0:5 a <- data.frame(xuniques=0:5, obs_freq =y, fit_freq=fit_freq) barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq), args.legend = list(x = "topright"), xlab="No of bomb hits", names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE, col=c("darkblue","red"), legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"), main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies for the number of bomb hits in London")
Draws a butterfly as on the front cover of the book
butterfly(color = 2, a = 2, b = 4)
butterfly(color = 2, a = 2, b = 4)
color |
This is the color to use in the plot. It can take any value that R can use for color, e.g. 1, 2, "blue" etc. |
a |
Parameter controlling the shape of the butterfly |
b |
Second parameter controlling the shape of the butterfly |
No return value, called for side effects. It generates a plot whose colour and shape are determined by the supplied parameters.
butterfly(color = 6) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) butterfly(color = 6) butterfly(a=5, b=5, color=2) butterfly(a=10, b=1.5, color = "seagreen") butterfly(a=20, b=4, color = "blue") par(old.par) # par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
butterfly(color = 6) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) butterfly(color = 6) butterfly(a=5, b=5, color=2) butterfly(a=10, b=1.5, color = "seagreen") butterfly(a=20, b=4, color = "blue") par(old.par) # par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
Breaking strength of cement data
A data frame with 36 rows and 3 columns:
Breaking strength in pounds per square inch
Three different gauger machines which mixes cement with water
Three different breakers breaking the cement cubes
Weekly number of failures of a university computer system over a period of two years. This is a data vector containing 104 values.
An object of class numeric
of length 104.
summary(cfail) # 95% Confidence interval c(3.75-1.96 * 3.381/sqrt(104), 3.75+1.96*3.381/sqrt(104)) # =(3.10,4.40). x <- cfail n <- length(x) h <- qnorm(0.975) # 95% Confidence interval Using quadratic inversion mean(x) + (h*h)/(2*n) + c(-1, 1) * h/sqrt(n) * sqrt(h*h/(4*n) + mean(x)) # Modelling # Observed frequencies obs_freq <- as.vector(table(x)) # Obtain unique x values xuniques <- sort(unique(x)) lam_hat <- mean(x) fit_freq <- n * dpois(xuniques, lambda=lam_hat) fit_freq <- round(fit_freq, 1) # Create a data frame for plotting a <- data.frame(xuniques=xuniques, obs_freq = obs_freq, fit_freq=fit_freq) barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq), args.legend = list(x = "topright"), xlab="No of weekly computer failures", names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE, col=c("darkblue","red"), legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"), main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies for the computer failure data: cfail")
summary(cfail) # 95% Confidence interval c(3.75-1.96 * 3.381/sqrt(104), 3.75+1.96*3.381/sqrt(104)) # =(3.10,4.40). x <- cfail n <- length(x) h <- qnorm(0.975) # 95% Confidence interval Using quadratic inversion mean(x) + (h*h)/(2*n) + c(-1, 1) * h/sqrt(n) * sqrt(h*h/(4*n) + mean(x)) # Modelling # Observed frequencies obs_freq <- as.vector(table(x)) # Obtain unique x values xuniques <- sort(unique(x)) lam_hat <- mean(x) fit_freq <- n * dpois(xuniques, lambda=lam_hat) fit_freq <- round(fit_freq, 1) # Create a data frame for plotting a <- data.frame(xuniques=xuniques, obs_freq = obs_freq, fit_freq=fit_freq) barplot(rbind(obs_freq, fit_freq), args.legend = list(x = "topright"), xlab="No of weekly computer failures", names.arg = xuniques, beside=TRUE, col=c("darkblue","red"), legend =c("Observed", "Fitted"), main="Observed and Poisson distribution fitted frequencies for the computer failure data: cfail")
Testing of cheese data set
A data frame with 30 rows and 5 columns
A measure of taste quality of cheese
Concentration of Acetic acid
Concentration of hydrogen sulphide
Concentration lactic acid
Logarithm of H2S
data(cheese) summary(cheese) pairs(cheese) cheese.lm <- lm(Taste ~ AceticAcid + LacticAcid + logH2S, data=cheese, subset=2:30) # Check the diagnostics plot(cheese.lm$fit, cheese.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter qqnorm(cheese.lm$res, col=2) qqline(cheese.lm$res, col="blue") summary(cheese.lm) cheese.lm2 <- lm(Taste ~ LacticAcid + logH2S, data=cheese) # Check the diagnostics plot(cheese.lm2$fit, cheese.lm2$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) qqnorm(cheese.lm2$res, col=2) qqline(cheese.lm2$res, col="blue") summary(cheese.lm2) # How can we predict? newcheese <- data.frame(AceticAcid = 300, LacticAcid = 1.5, logH2S=4) cheese.pred <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, se.fit=TRUE) cheese.pred # Obtain confidence interval cheese.pred$fit + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=27) * cheese.pred$se.fit # Using R to predict cheese.pred.conf.limits <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, interval="confidence") cheese.pred.conf.limits # How to find prediction interval cheese.pred.pred.limits <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, interval="prediction") cheese.pred.pred.limits
data(cheese) summary(cheese) pairs(cheese) cheese.lm <- lm(Taste ~ AceticAcid + LacticAcid + logH2S, data=cheese, subset=2:30) # Check the diagnostics plot(cheese.lm$fit, cheese.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter qqnorm(cheese.lm$res, col=2) qqline(cheese.lm$res, col="blue") summary(cheese.lm) cheese.lm2 <- lm(Taste ~ LacticAcid + logH2S, data=cheese) # Check the diagnostics plot(cheese.lm2$fit, cheese.lm2$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) qqnorm(cheese.lm2$res, col=2) qqline(cheese.lm2$res, col="blue") summary(cheese.lm2) # How can we predict? newcheese <- data.frame(AceticAcid = 300, LacticAcid = 1.5, logH2S=4) cheese.pred <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, se.fit=TRUE) cheese.pred # Obtain confidence interval cheese.pred$fit + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=27) * cheese.pred$se.fit # Using R to predict cheese.pred.conf.limits <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, interval="confidence") cheese.pred.conf.limits # How to find prediction interval cheese.pred.pred.limits <- predict(cheese.lm2, newdata=newcheese, interval="prediction") cheese.pred.pred.limits
Nitrous oxide emission data
An object of class data.frame
with 54 rows and 13 columns.
Australian Traffic Accident Research Bureau @format A data frame with thirteen columns and 54 rows.
Make of the car
Odometer reading of the car
Engine capacity of the car
A measurement taken while running the engine from a cold start for 505 seconds
A measurement taken while running the engine in transition from cold to hot for 867 seconds
A measurement taken while running the hot engine for 505 seconds
A previously used measurement standard
Result of the Australian standard ADR37test
Logarithm of CS505
Logarithm of T867
Logarithm of H505
Logarithm of ADR27
Logarithm of ADR37
summary(emissions) rawdata <- emissions[, c(8, 4:7)] pairs(rawdata) # Fit the model on the raw scale raw.lm <- lm(ADR37 ~ ADR27 + CS505 + T867 + H505, data=rawdata) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(raw.lm$fit, raw.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(raw.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(raw.lm$res, col="blue") # summary(raw.lm) logdata <- log(rawdata) # This only logs the values but not the column names! # We can use the following command to change the column names or you can use # fix(logdata) to do it. dimnames(logdata)[[2]] <- c("logADR37", "logCS505", "logT867", "logH505", "logADR27") pairs(logdata) log.lm <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata) plot(log.lm$fit, log.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(log.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(log.lm$res, col="blue") summary(log.lm) log.lm2 <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata) summary(log.lm2) plot(log.lm2$fit, log.lm2$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(log.lm2$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(log.lm2$res, col="blue") par(old.par) ##################################### # Multicollinearity Analysis ###################################### mod.adr27 <- lm(logADR27 ~ logT867 + logCS505 + logH505, data=logdata) summary(mod.adr27) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9936, mod.t867 <- lm(logT867 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logCS505, data=logdata) summary(mod.t867) # Multiple R^2 = 0.977, mod.cs505 <- lm(logCS505 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logT867, data=logdata) summary(mod.cs505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9837, mod.h505 <- lm(logH505 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867, data=logdata) summary(mod.h505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.5784, # Variance inflation factors vifs <- c(0.9936, 0.977, 0.9837, 0.5784) vifs <- 1/(1-vifs) #Condition numbers X <- logdata # X is a copy of logdata X[,1] <- 1 # the first column of X is 1 # this is for the intercept X <- as.matrix(X) # Coerces X to be a matrix xtx <- t(X) %*% X # Gives X^T X eigenvalues <- eigen(xtx)$values kappa <- max(eigenvalues)/min(eigenvalues) kappa <- sqrt(kappa) # kappa = 244 is much LARGER than 30! ### Validation statistic # Fit the log.lm2 model with the first 45 observations # use the fitted model to predict the remaining 9 observations # Calculate the mean square error validation statistic log.lmsub <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata, subset=1:45) # Now predict all 54 observations using the fitted model mod.pred <- predict(log.lmsub, logdata, se.fit=TRUE) mod.pred$fit # provides all the 54 predicted values logdata$pred <- mod.pred$fit # Get only last 9 a <- logdata[46:54, ] validation.residuals <- a$logADR37 - a$pred validation.stat <- mean(validation.residuals^2) validation.stat
summary(emissions) rawdata <- emissions[, c(8, 4:7)] pairs(rawdata) # Fit the model on the raw scale raw.lm <- lm(ADR37 ~ ADR27 + CS505 + T867 + H505, data=rawdata) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(raw.lm$fit, raw.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(raw.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(raw.lm$res, col="blue") # summary(raw.lm) logdata <- log(rawdata) # This only logs the values but not the column names! # We can use the following command to change the column names or you can use # fix(logdata) to do it. dimnames(logdata)[[2]] <- c("logADR37", "logCS505", "logT867", "logH505", "logADR27") pairs(logdata) log.lm <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata) plot(log.lm$fit, log.lm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(log.lm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(log.lm$res, col="blue") summary(log.lm) log.lm2 <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata) summary(log.lm2) plot(log.lm2$fit, log.lm2$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(log.lm2$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(log.lm2$res, col="blue") par(old.par) ##################################### # Multicollinearity Analysis ###################################### mod.adr27 <- lm(logADR27 ~ logT867 + logCS505 + logH505, data=logdata) summary(mod.adr27) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9936, mod.t867 <- lm(logT867 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logCS505, data=logdata) summary(mod.t867) # Multiple R^2 = 0.977, mod.cs505 <- lm(logCS505 ~ logADR27 + logH505 + logT867, data=logdata) summary(mod.cs505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.9837, mod.h505 <- lm(logH505 ~ logADR27 + logCS505 + logT867, data=logdata) summary(mod.h505) # Multiple R^2 = 0.5784, # Variance inflation factors vifs <- c(0.9936, 0.977, 0.9837, 0.5784) vifs <- 1/(1-vifs) #Condition numbers X <- logdata # X is a copy of logdata X[,1] <- 1 # the first column of X is 1 # this is for the intercept X <- as.matrix(X) # Coerces X to be a matrix xtx <- t(X) %*% X # Gives X^T X eigenvalues <- eigen(xtx)$values kappa <- max(eigenvalues)/min(eigenvalues) kappa <- sqrt(kappa) # kappa = 244 is much LARGER than 30! ### Validation statistic # Fit the log.lm2 model with the first 45 observations # use the fitted model to predict the remaining 9 observations # Calculate the mean square error validation statistic log.lmsub <- lm(logADR37 ~ logADR27 + logT867 + logH505, data=logdata, subset=1:45) # Now predict all 54 observations using the fitted model mod.pred <- predict(log.lmsub, logdata, se.fit=TRUE) mod.pred$fit # provides all the 54 predicted values logdata$pred <- mod.pred$fit # Get only last 9 a <- logdata[46:54, ] validation.residuals <- a$logADR37 - a$pred validation.stat <- mean(validation.residuals^2) validation.stat
Errors in guessing ages of Southampton mathematicians
A data frame with 550 rows and 10 columns
Group number of the students guessing the ages
Number of students in the group
How many female guessers were in the group
Photograph number guessed, can take value 1 to 10.
Gender of the photographed person.
Race of the photographed person.
Estimated age of the photographed person.
True age of the photographed person.
The value of error, estimated age minus true age
Absolute value of the error
Service (waiting) times (in seconds) of customers at a fast-food restaurant.
A data frame with 10 rows and 2 columns:
Waiting times for customers served during 9-10AM
Waiting times for customers served during 2-3PM
summary(ffood) # 95% Confidence interval for the mean waiting time usig t-distribution a <- c(ffood$AM, ffood$PM) mean(a) + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=19) * sqrt(var(a))/sqrt(20) # Two sample t-test for the difference between morning and afternoon times t.test(ffood$AM, ffood$PM)
summary(ffood) # 95% Confidence interval for the mean waiting time usig t-distribution a <- c(ffood$AM, ffood$PM) mean(a) + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=19) * sqrt(var(a))/sqrt(20) # Two sample t-test for the difference between morning and afternoon times t.test(ffood$AM, ffood$PM)
Gas mileage of four models of car
A data frame with two columns and eleven rows:
Mileage obtained
Four types of car models
summary(gasmileage) y <- c(22, 26, 28, 24, 29, 29, 32, 28, 23, 24) xx <- c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4) # Plot the observations plot(xx, y, col="red", pch="*", xlab="Model", ylab="Mileage") # Method1: Hand calculation ni <- c(2, 3, 3, 2) means <- tapply(y, xx, mean) vars <- tapply(y, xx, var) round(rbind(means, vars), 2) sum(y^2) # gives 7115 totalSS <- sum(y^2) - 10 * (mean(y))^2 # gives 92.5 RSSf <- sum(vars*(ni-1)) # gives 31.17 groupSS <- totalSS - RSSf # gives 61.3331.17/6 meangroupSS <- groupSS/3 # gives 20.44 meanErrorSS <- RSSf/6 # gives 5.194 Fvalue <- meangroupSS/meanErrorSS # gives 3.936 pvalue <- 1-pf(Fvalue, df1=3, df2=6) #### Method 2: Illustrate using dummy variables ################################# #Create the design matrix X for the full regression model g <- 4 n1 <- 2 n2 <- 3 n3 <- 3 n4 <- 2 n <- n1+n2+n3+n4 X <- matrix(0, ncol=g, nrow=n) #Set X as a zero matrix initially X[1:n1,1] <- 1 #Determine the first column of X X[(n1+1):(n1+n2),2] <- 1 #the 2nd column X[(n1+n2+1):(n1+n2+n3),3] <- 1 #the 3rd X[(n1+n2+n3+1):(n1+n2+n3+n4),4] <- 1 #the 4th ################################# ####Fitting the full model#### ################################# #Estimation XtXinv <- solve(t(X)%*%X) betahat <- XtXinv %*%t(X)%*%y #Estimation of the coefficients Yhat <- X%*%betahat #Fitted Y values Resids <- y - Yhat #Residuals SSE <- sum(Resids^2) #Error sum of squares S2hat <- SSE/(n-g) #Estimation of sigma-square; mean square for error Sigmahat <- sqrt(S2hat) ############################################################## ####Fitting the reduced model -- the 4 means are equal ##### ############################################################## Xr <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=n) kr <- dim(Xr)[2] #Estimation Varr <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr) hbetar <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr)%*%t(Xr)%*% y #Estimation of the coefficients hYr = Xr%*%hbetar #Fitted Y values Resir <- y - hYr #Residuals SSEr <- sum(Resir^2) #Total sum of squares ################################################################### ####F-test for comparing the reduced model with the full model #### ################################################################### FStat <- ((SSEr-SSE)/(g-kr))/(SSE/(n-g)) #The test statistic of the F-test alpha <- 0.05 Critical_value_F <- qf(1-alpha, g-kr,n-g) #The critical constant of F-test pvalue_F <- 1-pf(FStat,g-kr, n-g) #p-value of F-test modelA <- c(22, 26) modelB <- c(28, 24, 29) modelC <- c(29, 32, 28) modelD <- c(23, 24) SSerror = sum( (modelA-mean(modelA))^2 ) + sum( (modelB-mean(modelB))^2 ) + sum( (modelC-mean(modelC))^2 ) + sum( (modelD-mean(modelD))^2 ) SStotal <- sum( (y-mean(y))^2 ) SSgroup <- SStotal-SSerror #### #### Method 3: Use the built-in function lm directly ##################################### aa <- "modelA" bb <- "modelB" cc <- "modelC" dd <- "modelD" Expl <- c(aa,aa,bb,bb,bb,cc,cc,cc,dd,dd) is.factor(Expl) Expl <- factor(Expl) model1 <- lm(y~Expl) summary(model1) anova(model1) ###Alternatively ### xxf <- factor(xx) is.factor(xxf) model2 <- lm(y~xxf) summary(model2) anova(model2)
summary(gasmileage) y <- c(22, 26, 28, 24, 29, 29, 32, 28, 23, 24) xx <- c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4) # Plot the observations plot(xx, y, col="red", pch="*", xlab="Model", ylab="Mileage") # Method1: Hand calculation ni <- c(2, 3, 3, 2) means <- tapply(y, xx, mean) vars <- tapply(y, xx, var) round(rbind(means, vars), 2) sum(y^2) # gives 7115 totalSS <- sum(y^2) - 10 * (mean(y))^2 # gives 92.5 RSSf <- sum(vars*(ni-1)) # gives 31.17 groupSS <- totalSS - RSSf # gives 61.3331.17/6 meangroupSS <- groupSS/3 # gives 20.44 meanErrorSS <- RSSf/6 # gives 5.194 Fvalue <- meangroupSS/meanErrorSS # gives 3.936 pvalue <- 1-pf(Fvalue, df1=3, df2=6) #### Method 2: Illustrate using dummy variables ################################# #Create the design matrix X for the full regression model g <- 4 n1 <- 2 n2 <- 3 n3 <- 3 n4 <- 2 n <- n1+n2+n3+n4 X <- matrix(0, ncol=g, nrow=n) #Set X as a zero matrix initially X[1:n1,1] <- 1 #Determine the first column of X X[(n1+1):(n1+n2),2] <- 1 #the 2nd column X[(n1+n2+1):(n1+n2+n3),3] <- 1 #the 3rd X[(n1+n2+n3+1):(n1+n2+n3+n4),4] <- 1 #the 4th ################################# ####Fitting the full model#### ################################# #Estimation XtXinv <- solve(t(X)%*%X) betahat <- XtXinv %*%t(X)%*%y #Estimation of the coefficients Yhat <- X%*%betahat #Fitted Y values Resids <- y - Yhat #Residuals SSE <- sum(Resids^2) #Error sum of squares S2hat <- SSE/(n-g) #Estimation of sigma-square; mean square for error Sigmahat <- sqrt(S2hat) ############################################################## ####Fitting the reduced model -- the 4 means are equal ##### ############################################################## Xr <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=n) kr <- dim(Xr)[2] #Estimation Varr <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr) hbetar <- solve(t(Xr)%*%Xr)%*%t(Xr)%*% y #Estimation of the coefficients hYr = Xr%*%hbetar #Fitted Y values Resir <- y - hYr #Residuals SSEr <- sum(Resir^2) #Total sum of squares ################################################################### ####F-test for comparing the reduced model with the full model #### ################################################################### FStat <- ((SSEr-SSE)/(g-kr))/(SSE/(n-g)) #The test statistic of the F-test alpha <- 0.05 Critical_value_F <- qf(1-alpha, g-kr,n-g) #The critical constant of F-test pvalue_F <- 1-pf(FStat,g-kr, n-g) #p-value of F-test modelA <- c(22, 26) modelB <- c(28, 24, 29) modelC <- c(29, 32, 28) modelD <- c(23, 24) SSerror = sum( (modelA-mean(modelA))^2 ) + sum( (modelB-mean(modelB))^2 ) + sum( (modelC-mean(modelC))^2 ) + sum( (modelD-mean(modelD))^2 ) SStotal <- sum( (y-mean(y))^2 ) SSgroup <- SStotal-SSerror #### #### Method 3: Use the built-in function lm directly ##################################### aa <- "modelA" bb <- "modelB" cc <- "modelC" dd <- "modelD" Expl <- c(aa,aa,bb,bb,bb,cc,cc,cc,dd,dd) is.factor(Expl) Expl <- factor(Expl) model1 <- lm(y~Expl) summary(model1) anova(model1) ###Alternatively ### xxf <- factor(xx) is.factor(xxf) model2 <- lm(y~xxf) summary(model2) anova(model2)
Simulation of the Monty Hall Problem. This demonstrates that switching is always better than staying with the initial guess. Programme written by Corey Chivers, 2012
monty(strat = "stay", N = 1000, print_games = TRUE)
monty(strat = "stay", N = 1000, print_games = TRUE)
strat |
Strategy to use; possibilities are:
N |
How many games to play, defaults to 1000. |
print_games |
Logical; whether to print the results of each game. |
No return value, called for side effects. If the supplied parameter
is TRUE, then it prints out the result
(Win or Loss) of each of the N simulated games. Finally it reports the
overall percentage of winning.
Corey Chivers (2012) Chivers (2012)
# example code monty("stay") monty("switch") monty("random")
# example code monty("stay") monty("switch") monty("random")
Body weight and length of possums (tree living furry animals who are mostly nocturnal (marsupial) caught in 7 different regions of Australia.
A data frame with 101 rows and 3 columns:
Body weight in kilogram
Body length of the possum
7 different regions of Australia: (1) Western Austrailia (W.A), (2) South Australia (S.A), (3) Northern Territory (N.T), (4) Queensland (QuL), (5) New South Wales (NSW), (6) Victoria (Vic) and (7) Tasmania (Tas).
Lindenmayer and Donnelly (1995).
Lindenmayer DBVKLCRB, Donnelly CF (1995). “Morphological variation among columns of the mountain brushtail possum, Trichosurus caninus Ogilby (Phalangeridae: Marsupiala).” Australian Journal of Zoology, 43, 449-458.
head(possum) dim(possum) summary(possum) ## Code lines used in the book ## Create a new data set poss <- possum poss$region <- factor(poss$Location) levels(poss$region) <- c("W.A", "S.A", "N.T", "QuL", "NSW", "Vic", "Tas") colnames(poss)<-c("y","z","Location", "x") head(poss) # Draw side by side boxplots boxplot(y~x, data=poss, col=2:8, xlab="region", ylab="Weight") # Obtain scatter plot # Start with a skeleton plot plot(poss$z, poss$y, type="n", xlab="Length", ylab="Weight") # Add points for the seven regions for (i in 1:7) { points(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss$y[poss$Location==i],type="p", pch=as.character(i), col=i) } ## Add legends legend(x=76, y=4.2, legend=paste(as.character(1:7), levels(poss$x)), lty=1:7, col=1:7) # Start modelling #Fit the model with interaction. poss.lm1<-lm(y~z+x+z:x,data=poss) summary(poss.lm1) plot(poss$z, poss$y,type="n", xlab="Length", ylab="Weight") for (i in 1:7) { lines(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss.lm1$fit[poss$Location==i],type="l", lty=i, col=i, lwd=1.8) points(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss$y[poss$Location==i],type="p", pch=as.character(i), col=i) } poss.lm0 <- lm(y~z,data=poss) abline(poss.lm0, lwd=3, col=9) # Has drawn the seven parallel regression lines legend(x=76, y=4.2, legend=paste(as.character(1:7), levels(poss$x)), lty=1:7, col=1:7) n <- length(possum$Body_Weight) # Wrong model since Location is not a numeric covariate wrong.lm <- lm(Body_Weight~Location, data=possum) summary(wrong.lm) nis <- table(possum$Location) meanwts <- tapply(possum$Body_Weight, possum$Location, mean) varwts <- tapply(possum$Body_Weight, possum$Location, var) datasums <- data.frame(nis=nis, mean=meanwts, var=varwts) datasums <- data.frame(nis=nis, mean=meanwts, var=varwts) modelss <- sum(datasums[,2] * (meanwts - mean(meanwts))^2) residss <- sum( (datasums[,2] - 1) * varwts) fvalue <- (modelss/6) / (residss/94) fcritical <- qf(0.95, df1= 6, df2=94) x <- seq(from=0, to=12, length=200) y <- df(x, df1=6, df2=94) plot(x, y, type="l", xlab="", ylab="Density of F(6, 94)", col=4) abline(v=fcritical, lty=3, col=3) abline(v=fvalue, lty=2, col=2) pvalue <- 1-pf(fvalue, df1=6, df2=94) ### Doing the above in R # Convert the Location column to a factor possum$Location <- as.factor(possum$Location) summary(possum) # Now Location is a factor # Put the identifiability constraint: options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) colnames(possum) <- c("y", "z", "x") # Fit model M1 possum.lm1 <- lm(y~x, data=possum) summary(possum.lm1) anova(possum.lm1) possum.lm2 <- lm(y~z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm2) anova(possum.lm2) # Include both location and length but no interaction possum.lm3 <- lm(y~x+z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm3) anova(possum.lm3) # Include interaction effect possum.lm4 <- lm(y~x+z+x:z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm4) anova(possum.lm4) anova(possum.lm2, possum.lm3) #Check the diagnostics for M3 plot(possum.lm3$fit, possum.lm3$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(possum.lm3$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(possum.lm3$res, col="blue")
head(possum) dim(possum) summary(possum) ## Code lines used in the book ## Create a new data set poss <- possum poss$region <- factor(poss$Location) levels(poss$region) <- c("W.A", "S.A", "N.T", "QuL", "NSW", "Vic", "Tas") colnames(poss)<-c("y","z","Location", "x") head(poss) # Draw side by side boxplots boxplot(y~x, data=poss, col=2:8, xlab="region", ylab="Weight") # Obtain scatter plot # Start with a skeleton plot plot(poss$z, poss$y, type="n", xlab="Length", ylab="Weight") # Add points for the seven regions for (i in 1:7) { points(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss$y[poss$Location==i],type="p", pch=as.character(i), col=i) } ## Add legends legend(x=76, y=4.2, legend=paste(as.character(1:7), levels(poss$x)), lty=1:7, col=1:7) # Start modelling #Fit the model with interaction. poss.lm1<-lm(y~z+x+z:x,data=poss) summary(poss.lm1) plot(poss$z, poss$y,type="n", xlab="Length", ylab="Weight") for (i in 1:7) { lines(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss.lm1$fit[poss$Location==i],type="l", lty=i, col=i, lwd=1.8) points(poss$z[poss$Location==i],poss$y[poss$Location==i],type="p", pch=as.character(i), col=i) } poss.lm0 <- lm(y~z,data=poss) abline(poss.lm0, lwd=3, col=9) # Has drawn the seven parallel regression lines legend(x=76, y=4.2, legend=paste(as.character(1:7), levels(poss$x)), lty=1:7, col=1:7) n <- length(possum$Body_Weight) # Wrong model since Location is not a numeric covariate wrong.lm <- lm(Body_Weight~Location, data=possum) summary(wrong.lm) nis <- table(possum$Location) meanwts <- tapply(possum$Body_Weight, possum$Location, mean) varwts <- tapply(possum$Body_Weight, possum$Location, var) datasums <- data.frame(nis=nis, mean=meanwts, var=varwts) datasums <- data.frame(nis=nis, mean=meanwts, var=varwts) modelss <- sum(datasums[,2] * (meanwts - mean(meanwts))^2) residss <- sum( (datasums[,2] - 1) * varwts) fvalue <- (modelss/6) / (residss/94) fcritical <- qf(0.95, df1= 6, df2=94) x <- seq(from=0, to=12, length=200) y <- df(x, df1=6, df2=94) plot(x, y, type="l", xlab="", ylab="Density of F(6, 94)", col=4) abline(v=fcritical, lty=3, col=3) abline(v=fvalue, lty=2, col=2) pvalue <- 1-pf(fvalue, df1=6, df2=94) ### Doing the above in R # Convert the Location column to a factor possum$Location <- as.factor(possum$Location) summary(possum) # Now Location is a factor # Put the identifiability constraint: options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) colnames(possum) <- c("y", "z", "x") # Fit model M1 possum.lm1 <- lm(y~x, data=possum) summary(possum.lm1) anova(possum.lm1) possum.lm2 <- lm(y~z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm2) anova(possum.lm2) # Include both location and length but no interaction possum.lm3 <- lm(y~x+z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm3) anova(possum.lm3) # Include interaction effect possum.lm4 <- lm(y~x+z+x:z, data=poss) summary(possum.lm4) anova(possum.lm4) anova(possum.lm2, possum.lm3) #Check the diagnostics for M3 plot(possum.lm3$fit, possum.lm3$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) qqnorm(possum.lm3$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(possum.lm3$res, col="blue")
Puffin nesting data set. It contains data regarding nesting habits of common puffin
A data frame with 38 rows and 5 columns:
Number of nests
Percentage of area covered by grass
Mean soil depth in centimeter
Slope angle in degrees
Distance of the plot from the cliff edge in meter
Nettleship (1972).
Nettleship DN (1972). “Breeding Success of the Common Puffin (Fratercula arctica L.) on Different Habitats at Great Island, Newfoundland.” Ecological Monographs, 42, 239-268.
head(puffin) dim(puffin) summary(puffin) pairs(puffin) puffin$sqrtfreq <- sqrt(puffin$Nesting_Frequency) puff.sqlm <- lm(sqrtfreq~ Grass_Cover + Mean_Soil_Depth + Slope_Angle +Distance_from_Edge, data=puffin) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) qqnorm(puff.sqlm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(puff.sqlm$res, col="blue") plot(puff.sqlm$fit, puff.sqlm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) summary(puff.sqlm) par(old.par) ##################################### # F test for two betas at the same time: ###################################### puff.sqlm2 <- lm(sqrtfreq~ Mean_Soil_Depth + Distance_from_Edge, data=puffin) anova(puff.sqlm) anova(puff.sqlm2) fval <- 1/2*(14.245-12.756)/0.387 # 1.924 qf(0.95, 2, 33) # 3.28 1-pf(fval, 2, 33) # 0.162 anova(puff.sqlm2, puff.sqlm)
head(puffin) dim(puffin) summary(puffin) pairs(puffin) puffin$sqrtfreq <- sqrt(puffin$Nesting_Frequency) puff.sqlm <- lm(sqrtfreq~ Grass_Cover + Mean_Soil_Depth + Slope_Angle +Distance_from_Edge, data=puffin) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) qqnorm(puff.sqlm$res,main="Normal probability plot", col=2) qqline(puff.sqlm$res, col="blue") plot(puff.sqlm$fit, puff.sqlm$res,xlab="Fitted values",ylab="Residuals", main="Anscombe plot") abline(h=0) summary(puff.sqlm) par(old.par) ##################################### # F test for two betas at the same time: ###################################### puff.sqlm2 <- lm(sqrtfreq~ Mean_Soil_Depth + Distance_from_Edge, data=puffin) anova(puff.sqlm) anova(puff.sqlm2) fval <- 1/2*(14.245-12.756)/0.387 # 1.924 qf(0.95, 2, 33) # 3.28 1-pf(fval, 2, 33) # 0.162 anova(puff.sqlm2, puff.sqlm)
Riece yield data
A data frame with three columns and 68 rows:
Yield of rice in kilograms
Number of days after flowering before harvesting
Bal and Ojha (1975).
summary(rice) plot(rice$Days, rice$Yield, pch="*", xlab="Days", ylab="Yield") rice$daymin31 <- rice$Days-31 rice.lm <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31, data=rice) summary(rice.lm) # Check the diagnostics plot(rice.lm$fit, rice.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter # Needs a quadratic term qqnorm(rice.lm$res, col=2) qqline(rice.lm$res, col="blue") rice.lm2 <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31 + I(daymin31^2) , data=rice) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(rice.lm2$fit, rice.lm2$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter # Much better plot! qqnorm(rice.lm2$res, col=2) qqline(rice.lm2$res, col="blue") summary(rice.lm2) par(old.par) # par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(rice$Days, rice$Yield, xlab="Days", ylab="Yield") lines(rice$Days, rice.lm2$fit, lty=1, col=3) rice.lm3 <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31 + I(daymin31^2)+I(daymin31^3) , data=rice) #check the diagnostics summary(rice.lm3) # Will print the summary of the fitted model #### Predict at a new value of Days=31.1465 # Create a new data set called new new <- data.frame(daymin31=32.1465-31) a <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, se.fit=TRUE) # Confidence interval for the mean of rice yield at day=31.1465 a <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, interval="confidence") a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 3676.766 3511.904 3841.628 # Prediction interval for a future yield at day=31.1465 b <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, interval="prediction") b # fit lwr upr #[1,] 3676.766 3206.461 4147.071
summary(rice) plot(rice$Days, rice$Yield, pch="*", xlab="Days", ylab="Yield") rice$daymin31 <- rice$Days-31 rice.lm <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31, data=rice) summary(rice.lm) # Check the diagnostics plot(rice.lm$fit, rice.lm$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter # Needs a quadratic term qqnorm(rice.lm$res, col=2) qqline(rice.lm$res, col="blue") rice.lm2 <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31 + I(daymin31^2) , data=rice) old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(rice.lm2$fit, rice.lm2$res, xlab="Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals") abline(h=0) # Should be a random scatter # Much better plot! qqnorm(rice.lm2$res, col=2) qqline(rice.lm2$res, col="blue") summary(rice.lm2) par(old.par) # par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(rice$Days, rice$Yield, xlab="Days", ylab="Yield") lines(rice$Days, rice.lm2$fit, lty=1, col=3) rice.lm3 <- lm(Yield ~ daymin31 + I(daymin31^2)+I(daymin31^3) , data=rice) #check the diagnostics summary(rice.lm3) # Will print the summary of the fitted model #### Predict at a new value of Days=31.1465 # Create a new data set called new new <- data.frame(daymin31=32.1465-31) a <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, se.fit=TRUE) # Confidence interval for the mean of rice yield at day=31.1465 a <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, interval="confidence") a # fit lwr upr # [1,] 3676.766 3511.904 3841.628 # Prediction interval for a future yield at day=31.1465 b <- predict(rice.lm2, newdata=new, interval="prediction") b # fit lwr upr #[1,] 3676.766 3206.461 4147.071
Illustration of the CLT for samples from the Bernoulli distribution
see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize = 10, nrep = 10000, prob = 0.8)
see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize = 10, nrep = 10000, prob = 0.8)
nsize |
Sample size, n. Its default value is 10. |
nrep |
Number of replications. How many samples of size |
prob |
True probability of success for the Bernoulli trials |
A vector of means of the replicated samples. It also has the side effect of drawing a histogram of the standardized sample means and a superimposed density function of the standard normal distribution. The better the CLT approximation, the closer are the superimposed density and the histogram.
a <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli() old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) a30 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=30) a50 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=50) a100 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=100) a500 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=500) a1000 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=1000) a5000 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=5000) par(old.par)
a <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli() old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) a30 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=30) a50 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=50) a100 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=100) a500 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=500) a1000 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=1000) a5000 <- see_the_clt_for_Bernoulli(nsize=5000) par(old.par)
Illustration of the central limit theorem for sampling from the uniform distribution
see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize = 10, nrep = 10000)
see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize = 10, nrep = 10000)
nsize |
Sample size, n. Its default value is 10. |
nrep |
Number of replications. How many samples of size |
A vector of means of the replicated samples. The function also
has the side effect of drawing a histogram of the sample means and
two superimposed density functions: one estimated from the data using
the density
function and the other is the density of the CLT
approximated normal distribution. The better the CLT approximation, the
closer are the two superimposed densities.
a <- see_the_clt_for_uniform() old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) a1 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=1) a2 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=2) a3 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=5) a4 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=10) a5 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=20) a6 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=50) par(old.par) ybars <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=12) zbars <- (ybars - mean(ybars))/sd(ybars) k <- 100 u <- seq(from=min(zbars), to= max(zbars), length=k) ecdf <- rep(NA, k) for(i in 1:k) ecdf[i] <- length(zbars[zbars<u[i]])/length(zbars) tcdf <- pnorm(u) plot(u, tcdf, type="l", col="red", lwd=4, xlab="", ylab="cdf") lines(u, ecdf, lty=2, col="darkgreen", lwd=4) symb <- c("cdf of sample means", "cdf of N(0, 1)") legend(x=-3.5, y=0.4, legend = symb, lty = c(2, 1), col = c("darkgreen","red"), bty="n")
a <- see_the_clt_for_uniform() old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) a1 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=1) a2 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=2) a3 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=5) a4 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=10) a5 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=20) a6 <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=50) par(old.par) ybars <- see_the_clt_for_uniform(nsize=12) zbars <- (ybars - mean(ybars))/sd(ybars) k <- 100 u <- seq(from=min(zbars), to= max(zbars), length=k) ecdf <- rep(NA, k) for(i in 1:k) ecdf[i] <- length(zbars[zbars<u[i]])/length(zbars) tcdf <- pnorm(u) plot(u, tcdf, type="l", col="red", lwd=4, xlab="", ylab="cdf") lines(u, ecdf, lty=2, col="darkgreen", lwd=4) symb <- c("cdf of sample means", "cdf of N(0, 1)") legend(x=-3.5, y=0.4, legend = symb, lty = c(2, 1), col = c("darkgreen","red"), bty="n")
Illustration of the weak law of large numbers for sampling from the uniform distribution
see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize = 10, nrep = 1000)
see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize = 10, nrep = 1000)
nsize |
Sample size, n. Its default value is 10. |
nrep |
Number of replications. How many samples of size |
A list giving the x values and the density estimates y, from the generated random samples. The function also draws the empirical density on the current graphics device.
a1 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=1, nrep=50000) a2 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=10, nrep=50000) a3 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=50, nrep=50000) a4 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=100, nrep=50000) plot(a4, type="l", lwd=2, ylim=range(c(a1$y, a2$y, a3$y, a4$y)), col=1, lty=1, xlab="mean", ylab="density estimates") lines(a3, type="l", lwd=2, col=2, lty=2) lines(a2, type="l", lwd=2, col=3, lty=3) lines(a1, type="l", lwd=2, col=4, lty=4) symb <- c("n=1", "n=10", "n=50", "n=100") legend(x=0.37, y=11.5, legend = symb, lty =4:1, col = 4:1)
a1 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=1, nrep=50000) a2 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=10, nrep=50000) a3 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=50, nrep=50000) a4 <- see_the_wlln_for_uniform(nsize=100, nrep=50000) plot(a4, type="l", lwd=2, ylim=range(c(a1$y, a2$y, a3$y, a4$y)), col=1, lty=1, xlab="mean", ylab="density estimates") lines(a3, type="l", lwd=2, col=2, lty=2) lines(a2, type="l", lwd=2, col=3, lty=3) lines(a1, type="l", lwd=2, col=4, lty=4) symb <- c("n=1", "n=10", "n=50", "n=100") legend(x=0.37, y=11.5, legend = symb, lty =4:1, col = 4:1)
Weight gain data from 68 first year students during their first 12 weeks in college
A data frame with three columns and 68 rows:
Student number, 1 to 68.
Initial weight in kilogram
Final weight in kilogram
summary(wgain) plot(wgain$initial, wgain$final) abline(0, 1, col="red") plot(wgain$initial, wgain$final, xlab="Wt in Week 1", ylab="Wt in Week 12", pch="*", las=1) abline(0, 1, col="red") title("A scatter plot of the weights in Week 12 against the weights in Week 1") # 95% Confidence interval for mean weight gain x <- wgain$final - wgain$initial mean(x) + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=67) * sqrt(var(x)/68) # t-test to test the mean difference equals 0 t.test(x)
summary(wgain) plot(wgain$initial, wgain$final) abline(0, 1, col="red") plot(wgain$initial, wgain$final, xlab="Wt in Week 1", ylab="Wt in Week 12", pch="*", las=1) abline(0, 1, col="red") title("A scatter plot of the weights in Week 12 against the weights in Week 1") # 95% Confidence interval for mean weight gain x <- wgain$final - wgain$initial mean(x) + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df=67) * sqrt(var(x)/68) # t-test to test the mean difference equals 0 t.test(x)